Wise Financial Fitness for Kids.

Wise Financial Education for the children of tomorrow
Children begin to form their lifelong money habits as early as preschool. Behavioral researchers from Cambridge University encourage parents to start teaching their kids about money as young as 3.
​The less information you have on a subject, which may be important for you like how to repair your car or problems with your plumbing and very important
the awareness of money, could steer your child away from financial success!
Wise and Rich Strategies Group is here to help parents and their children understand the basics.
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Your kids will have fun learning about...
...Needs & wants
...Money (then & now)
...Earning money
...Saving money
...Investing vs Saving money
...Spending money
...Donating and more
Children need leaders and people with know how,
to help guide and support them.

Their brains are very sharp, and like sponges, can absorb a lot information.
Wise and Rich Strategies Group, offers it's information as a power source to empower children and give them a refreshing experience with our
Wise Financial Fitness Seminars for Children.