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Nathan Warrington

Old School for the New Generation

Updated: Mar 25, 2022

Hello dear reader.

you will be reading about a topic which concerns us all and that is our future - the children.

Whether you have children or not, how they develop will have an impact on our lives in the future, because they will be the leaders of tomorrow. So enjoy the read and at the bottom, I have something very special for you parents and especially the beautiful children.

As always, I am no scholar or teacher just a friendly person spreading some insight.


Children growing up in today's "modern world", are doing it a lot differently than (30 - 40) years ago - and not for the better. Nowadays Parents are freely exposing their children to adult-structured, sometimes unsupervised activities, sending them on a fast ride off a cliff.

I am 60 years old and belong to the "old school" generation, and you know what, the old school is what keeps me so young today :-).

The old school was for example, when you were outside playing (what less children do today) at a certain age, an adult, who you didn't know, would tell you, when it was getting dark outside, you should go home and you better not give any lip service. Basically the society looked out for each other in those days. Gone are the days when children were disciplined for any wrongdoings. Instead, the focus of parenting has shifted nowadays.

Parents, not all, but too many, seem to be too overworked and stressed to teach their children the important things in life, like morals, respect, basic skills to survive, money, etc. Instead, children are learning a new modern approach to life and about right and wrong from TV shows, online videos, and in some cases questionable teachers in school.

There are some platforms where you can get interesting tips like Valuetainment.

See what Patrick bet David has to say on the subject school and childrfen.

I'm an old school lover of very old school teachings, for example a book which is still the worlds best seller, the "old holy scriptures", or like I sometimes call it, the "Owners Manual of life"!

People enjoy reading books, or watching clips about, how to date, motivation, exercise, building a business, gardening etc. but many frown and run away when it comes to the bible, I get it. Especially when you are taught in your respected faiths, by people who do not know how to teach pretty out of touch with the modern world! But think about it, there are other ancient writings or other facts in philosophy science etc., why do they not make it to be best sellers?

The scriptures make it to best seller status consistently, because it is timeless, you just have to read it on another level, fitting our modern day world. People do things they did thousands of years ago, live, eat, love, marry, work, and die. Those scriptures do touch on those topics as well. One part of the book states "you should teach your children diligently". In other words parents should have and take more control of what their children are exposed to.

Drugs, Prostitution, Rape, Thievery etc. all exist and yes children will be exposed to them and should definitely get informed, but the right way, from the right people, and at the right time!

Government in the way!

Today it seems more Governments and institutions, like the department of education are interfering too deep in private topics (sex etc.), in the education of children, and cutting the parents out of having the upper hand on these issues. And then you have Television (Media), private streaming (Disney, Netflix, etc.), Radio, Music and Fashion Industries, pushing agendas which impact the minds of our children, in a very very ugly way. There's so much vulgarity, immodesty, acceptance of things, which are just not normal, but children are taught to accept and also if they wish even try. It's going to bring our society to a freefall of ruin.

Schools should be more creative and willing to work as a team with parents in developing our children to be successful, powerful, and intelligent ladies and gentlemen. Teaching them respect, living and dressing modestly, life skills etc. "old school".

Here is an interesting clip from Abby, on modesty and being a powerful beautiful girl / woman (the same goes for men). Be clean - inside and out!

Yes, children should be taught about differences in society (Race, Religion, Gender, Age & disability), but everything should be in the correct dosage and the right time. Gay people have been on our planet for centuries, but it is not necessary to push this agenda on our children so hard, as if the world wasn't inhabited with heterosexuals. Just like medicine, the wrong dosage of the right medicine, could be very harmful to your health!

And as far as this CRT mode, race theory crap, creating prejudices against people who are Caucasian is outright STUPID!

I am a man of color and I don't see people in colors I see the colors of Souls.

So, before bringing this to a close, as I mentioned I have something very interesting for you and your children.

Greenlight for Children

Some of you have been asking me, if and when we will be getting back in the finance / Investment Game.

Well, it will be a while before getting active again, BUT, BUT, we have something I've been trying to get Banks into at least 15 years ago, I guess again I was ahead of time.

The time is now and that is better than not at all.

We are an affiliate partner up with a very awesome company, that I believe has a heart for children and gets it right when making business. I mean they offer a product that really brings value in many ways.

First of all the name of the company is


Greenlight is a prepaid card and app for managing family finances, from chores and allowance to spending and using money online or off. With the Greenlight app, kids and parents have companion apps with two different experiences. Kids can save, earn, invest, spend and give — with parent approval on every transaction.

Greenlight is all about financial education for kids. It’s all about helping them learn about money management through a safe, secure app where parents manage every dollar and see every transaction. Cards are issued by Community Federal Savings Bank, an FDIC-insured bank.

Hier a small clip.

Hope you guys enjoyed the read and wish you all good health and happiness.

More information about Greenlight Just click here

Take care

Your friendly Nateworker

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