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Nathan Warrington

Mystery of our Nervous System

Hello everyone,

back at you again with some, I hope, useful information. Today’s topic and tips are dealing with our nerve cell health. We all want to live a happy successful and healthy life and it is possible, all we must do is stick to a few simple basics, and the rest is up to our creative force.

Did you know that the average human has about 100 billion nerve cells or Neurons? And did you know that Neurons are the oldest and longest cells in the body? Although in certain areas of the brain where you can grow new cells, you have fewer neurons when you are old compared to when you are young.

Read on to see what wonder you are made of, and some recommendations you can use to protect yourself.

I am no scientist or physician; all my information is either my opinion or from professional sources. Before making changes in your medication, nutrition, or supplementation I advise you to consult with your trusted professional or doctor!

We go through life focused on our daily activities and routines, trying to keep a balance of input we digest with our brains, coming to us through social media and our favorite news channels. We are so focused on what takes place on the outside world and just take for granted what goes on inside our world. We watch the news to see how to react to our financials, education, and future of our children, other security issues, etc.

If we would actively and consciously focus on what activities take place in our bodies, and the amazing tasks and communication they perform, we would save much more money on medical costs, and face trying circumstances with better focus and more strength.


Our central nervous system is responsible for our ability to speak, move, and think. It consists of the brain and spinal cord. Think of it as the major interstate highway in a system of roads. Your peripheral nervous system includes nerves in your body beyond those points. So real quick to the nerve cells or neurons in our body. Neurons carry "messages" through an electrochemical process. Electrochemical? Messages?

Are you aware of the messages, do you hear your neurons sending and receiving messages, do you hear a bell-like WhatsApp? We take these WONDERS for granted daily.

The main parts of our neurons are the dendrites and axons. Dendrites bring electrical signals to the cell body and axons take information away from the cell body. Who or what is controlling them, we ourselves, or is it some form of intelligent being or better said force? OK, that is another topic, but it sure is fascinating!

I mean we take it for granted, that for example the neuron message of the ear doesn’t screw up and get a message of smell and we walk around trying to smell or breathe through our ear.

Here is just a short clip on our neurons

We all know eating healthy is important for our mental and physical well-being. There are different recommendations of foods that are beneficial for your brain and nervous system. Here are some recommendations from the Respiratory therapy zone.

So, I hope you have found the information interesting and useful. I have another recommendation for you in the form of natural supplementation.

The first is GenF20™ which helps your body to safely and naturally restore the HGH levels of your youth.

HGH (a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other animals) helps to maintain, build, and repair healthy tissue in the brain and other organs. This hormone can help to speed up healing after an injury and repair muscle tissue after exercise. This helps to build muscle mass, boost metabolism, and burn fat.

Click on the picture for more information.

And when we are talking about our Neurons here is a great recommended natural supplement.

BrainPill is a New Secret Weapon for Peak Mental Performance

Unrelenting Focus, Unshakable Concentration, and Unstoppable Productivity Even Under High-Stress Situations with Tight Deadlines

  • Eliminates Brain Fog

  • Combats Mental Fatigue

  • Protects & Bolsters Memory

  • Ignites Rapid Recall

  • Sustains Cognitive Energy

  • Improves Learning Abilities

Have a look and research all the natural ingredients listed on BrainPill, it is great!

For more information click on the picture.

I hope this short piece can be beneficial for you and that you take good care of yourself.

Until the next time, take care and be safe.


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