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Nathan Warrington


Hello all,

I originally wanted to post something different this week but due to the global events these past years I decided to go in this direction.

The topic today is FEAR. Many people see fear as negative, which it is. But depending on the situation and person, it can be positive.

I won’t go too deep on the subject today (I need some stuff for the future 😊), but I will touch on some things which I hope will after this read, empower you to take control of your fears.

So, enjoy the read, and at the end as always, we have a little something which is connected to the subject.

I am no scholar or psychologist, just a 60-year-old sharing his mind!

Already as little babies, we begin experiencing fear. We stand in our cribs and either just see shadows of nothing or we really see other spirits. If you think about it, for up to nine months we are in limbo, protected in our mother’s bellies, between unconscious the world of spirits and this conscious world. This conscious world is only partially our reality as babies in the belly. All that mom sees, and experiences gets saved to our main drive. And once we arrive here in the world of the conscious, we start to crawl, roll, etc. without a care if we are going to fall over the edge of the changing table, burn ourselves, etc. The fear for many starts to come when we hurt ourselves or when our parents are overprotectively feeding their fear on us. You know when the baby falls, didn't hurt itself, but as soon as the parent makes an expression, baby starts to cry.

That first bike lesson (today with a helmet, knee and shoulder pads, air bags and parent liability insurance), the first swim, high jump, or the embarrassing act we had to put on for our parents, so they can receive praise from their friends for our skills. Some children have a huge problem separating from their parents on the first day of kindergarten and they are full of fear.

That first interview, first date, you check your breath underarms etc. (after a few months you are kissing after a sandwich full of garlic), a well-trained boxer getting in the ring the first time. That actually happened to me in the Army. I was a good street fighter but hadn't no experience in the ring. I heard about my first opponent who was on the official Army boxing team. He only had 7 fights at the time, which was why I was allowed to fight him. We were considered fresh starters. Well Johnson's 7 fights were all knockouts within 3 rounds, and knowing this gave me so much fear, I only made it to the 2nd round...moving on.

When we get older, we fear the job interview, fear getting fired, fear losing money, and fear being free.

There are many ways to overcome certain fears, have you heard of the 5 second Rule of killing fear? Mel Robbins wrote a book on this. I want you to listen to a quick clip from one of my favorites Mr. Prince EA.

Rulers since ancient times have understood how to use the power of fear to keep control of their dynasty, and politicians and the Elite of the world, have also paid good attention to this power. Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler were masters in the use of fear to control their citizens.

Institutions like banks and insurance companies instill fear in many people, in the hope to make a profit with the sale of one of their products. Not all are bad, but not all are good either. Politics also use fear to win a vote and in lots of cases move people to give up their God-given freedoms from birth. A perfect example is what the global population has been experiencing since 2020. Because of fear, some people have turned to hatred, which are 2 negative factors for physical and spiritual health problems!

There is an antidote to the power of propaganda and fearmongering, that being, KNOWLEDGE!

FEAR is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real

As Plato stated, “Ignorance is the root of misfortune”. If we remain ignorant of the fact that all too often those who CLAIM to protect us from fear are actually manipulating our fears for their own benefit, then we will be contributing to the misfortune of the world.

I am going to stop here but just one more clip I want you to look at.

I hope you enjoyed the read, and you go inside yourself, find your strength and start tomorrow with a newfound strength. Knowing that that only one's to fear are God and your parents. I will touch more on this subject in the future until then we have a look at some of our Merch and if like, order, share and wear.

Click on the Photo, shop, and share.

Have a great weekend!


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